Money For Disabled Veterans

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Rear View Of Young Amputee Soldier Walking Road Wearing American Flag

More Money for Disabled Veterans


Did you know that if your Veteran Affairs disability rating is 30% or higher you are entitled to additional money if you are married?  That is right.  Currently, if your rating is 30% a veteran alone will receive $467.39 per month but if you are married you are entitled to $55 more.  As your disability rating increases the “bump up” becomes even greater.  For example, if you are rated at 100% your monthly compensation is $3,332 but if you are married an additional $185 will be added to your monthly benefit.


So how do I obtain the additional benefit?  Well, you will have to file a claim with your service officer.  Make sure you have a copy of your marriage certificate when you file the claim.  Service officers can be located by contacting your local veteran organization such as the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans or in some cases counties within North Carolina such as Brunswick County have veteran service officers who can assist in filing a claim.


The Brunswick County Veterans Services Office is located within the Brunswick County Government Complex and can be reached at (910) 253-2233 or via email: [email protected].  They are standing by to assist all Brunswick County Veterans.