Seeking Members for the CFV/Teen Scene 2022 Awards Nomination Committee

Gerald Decker, Founder, President

Seeking Members for the CFV/Teen Scene

2022 Awards Nomination Committee

Janet Stiegler, a regular writer for Cape Fear Voices, has been asked to lead a Nominating Committee that will identify the best writers, poets, and artists for next year’s Cape Fear Voices/Teen Scene Awards Banquet. The ideal team would be a diverse group of four to six men and women with different tastes and styles in writing.   Having one or two teachers from the participating high and middle school journalism clubs would also be ideal.

The commitment involves reading the 12 issues of Cape Fear Voices/Teen Scene from 2022 and picking out your favorites that fall under the following categories:

Cape Fear Voices                                         Teen Scene

Non-Fiction/History                  Non-Fiction/History

Creative Writing/Fiction           Creative Writing/Fiction

Memoir/Personal Essays          School Reporting/Personality Profiles

Art/Poetry                                   Entertainment Reviews/Persuasive Essays



The Nominating Committee’s first meeting, to be held in mid-September, would involve revisiting the categories and developing some basic evaluation criteria.  Most of the work will be done independently/at home, with perhaps two Zoom or in-person meetings to discuss our final choices in each category.  A separate group will use our list of nominations to select the final winners.

Note:  The pieces of those participating on the Nominating Committee would not be disqualified from receiving an award since our team is only making nominations, not the final selection.

If you are willing to help, please contact Janet Stiegler soonest at [email protected].