Halloween Activities

Faith Albert, BECHS

Need things to do in the month of October to celebrate Halloween? Would you like to? Well, here are some recommendations.

There is a Haunted Zipline Tour hosted by Haunted Swamp Tours, but the minimum age requirement is nine years old. The tour lasts for forty minutes to an hour, it is recommended you have an RSVP, and the minimum and maximum weights are seventy and two hundred and fifty pounds. Not recommended for those with a phobia of heights, darkness, swamp animals/monsters, and sudden scares. The address is The Swamp Park, 5550 Watts Rd, Ocean Isle Beach. 


Another Haunted event is Grissettown Haunted Trail. Not only is this a fun event, but it also doubles as a Fundraiser! This is hosted by fire and rescue, and actors include volunteers and firefighters. Admission is $15 per person. It is scary but is family-friendly. This is a year-round preparation type of trail, so it is definitely worth it. The dates are on the Grissettown Fire site. The address is 758 Longwood Rd, Ocean Isle Beach.