Dan Dodge

By: Brendan Connelly
Editors Note: This story was scheduled to run in the September issue of Cape Fear Voices to complete the series, but was left out in production. We apologize to the author and readers for the error.
First, the title, “Reach Out and Touch Somebody’s Hand” is a message for us all to remember to simply reach out your hand and help someone in need. Show them that we care. There are several other lyrics in the song that are very important as well:
“Make This World A Better Place If You Can.” By helping in our community, we can make this world a much better place.
“Take a little time out of your busy day to give encouragement to someone who’s lost the way.” There are so many people out there in the world that need our help and we all can take some time every day to assist the needy.
“We Can Change Things If We Start Giving.” Let’s give to the poor, homeless, sick and the military and we can put a smile on a lot of peoples’ faces.
“Try A Little Kindness You’ll See, It’s Something That Comes Very Naturally.” Be Kind, Show Some Love and It Will Go A Long Way!”
Gail and all the students stood up and gave her a standing ovation. Gail told Shelia, “that was absolutely beautiful and motivating! We are so proud of you Shelia!” Billy then raised his hand and suggested, “we can learn this song together so we can sing it and share these positive messages to the people at the group home and hospital.” Gail, Shelia and the entire class loved his idea. A few minutes later the class started singing together.
A few days later the class went to the group home and asked them all to join them and they all started singing together. A genuine moment happened next when the people at the group home started smiling at them all and thanked them for their kindness. They especially love doing these visits during the holiday season not only to help all those in need but also to spread some holiday cheer and put a smile on somebody’s face.
Shelia and the rest of the class felt very touched by what they accomplished. They put a smile on peoples’ faces on those in need.
The next weekend, Gail invited everyone over to her house for dinner. “Class, I am so proud of everybody for everything you have accomplished. What you are doing completely defines what it means to be a great leader. It means so much to me to see all of you doing all these beautiful things and developing into strong people.
You can’t imagine the amount of help you are giving this community. You guys are helping so many people by providing food, water, money, clothing and happiness to so many people in need. That was a truly beautiful moment seeing all the people in the group home smiling and singing with you all.”
Shelia got up and spoke for the entire class saying, “We are so happy for what we have accomplished and what our future can be.”
They all then sang together; “In Good Times and Bad Times, I’ll be on your side forever more. That’s What Friends Are For! That’s What Friends Are For!”