E-Chosing a University

Ashlyn Baldwin , 11th Grade, BECHS


Author: Ashlyn Baldwin

Choosing universities is often stressful for high school students, especially when there are so many options and several factors to consider. As the time for applications approaches, I reached out to Mrs. Marijayne Jessup, our school counselor at Brunswick Early College, for her advice on choosing the right college for students.

Jessup recommended the site College Foundations of North Carolina, a website allowing students to narrow down in-state universities based on various preferences. She also provided an acronym for factors an incoming student may want to consider; SLAM. Using the acronym, people going to college can decide what factors will most impact their school of choice (for example, money may be more important than the size of the school).

SLAM stands for size, location, academics, and money. The acronym breaks down options into the needs and wants a student may have in future colleges. It is also essential to consider what type of scholarships and credit transfers a college offers or accepts (e.g., if you took community college classes, make sure the next college accepts those credits).

Not everyone decides to go to secondary education, but as college application windows approach, the opportunity is something to consider. Students can use various other sources to research colleges and universities, including academic counselors at their current schools.