Inspired by Star Wars

Inspired by Star Wars

Ayla Lynch, 6th Grade Town Creek Middle School

On the intercom, I hear……..  Alert Alert Alert Alert Alert this is not a drill. There has been a breakout infection. We will have to do a crash landing on Tatowen. I’m thinking this is a way to get us on Tatowen. But no, I see a zombie running the hallway. Then I see m-m-m-my ………… Master Darth Vader fighting the zombies.

Then……….then………he……….he got eaten by the zombies. I start thinking, who else is gone? As I crash land on Tatowen I see a boy. When I went up to him he said, “hi my name is luke skywalker.” I think Skywalker Anakin Skywalker?

I ask is Anakin Skywalker your dad?