I Didn’t Wanna Grow Up

I Didn’t Wanna Grow Up

Isabella Billings, 8th Grade Leland Middle School

Isabella Billings

I didn’t wanna grow up.

I wanted to be my dad’s little girl forever. 

I want to go back to the days when my dad would wake me up in the mornings, to take me fishing before school. 

I want to go back to the days when he’d take me to church on Wednesday nights, and then we’d sing at the top of our lungs on the way back home. 

I want to go back to when we’d cook black bottom cupcakes for every family occasion just cuz neither of us could cook anything. 


But, now you’re gone.

You chose addiction over me.

And yet you still wonder why I don’t want to see you anymore.

I miss you. 

I don’t miss who you are now.
But, I miss the dad you used to be. 


[I didn’t wanna grow up]