Due to rumors of a golden egg, a kid dug in the port-a-potty out of desperation for a yummy organic fruit snack. On April 5, the Early College High School Beta Club hosted an Easter egg hunt at Creek Park. Children ten and younger were invited to the Easter egg hunt.
A group of beta members brought in eggs and candy, and around 4:30 pm, they hid them around the park. At 5 pm, the Easter egg hunt began, and it didn’t take long for all the kids to start running around to look for eggs, including the golden eggs.
One young boy misheard how there was a golden egg in the potty, so without gloves, he shoved his hand in and looked. With his mom screaming at him, he emerged from the port-a-potties without a single egg.
At 6, the Easter egg hunt was over. Eggs were distributed to all children, and some lucky few got golden eggs. By the end of the day, it wasn’t long before the beta gang and family headed home with chocolate-covered mouths, or tired, but happy smiles on their faces.