L to R: Larry Shapiro, Dan Fortini, Gordon Humphries, Bruce Goins,
Rick Rogers, John Hacker, Sherman Thompson, Nick Micale, Lou Tranillo, Jin MacAvoy
Larry, Nick, and Bruce are members of the Rivers Edge Veterans Association.
On Tuesday April 18th several members of the John E. Jacobs American Legion Post #68 Leland, attended a training session presented by members of the Lower Cape Fear Life Care organization and the Rivers Edge Veterans Association to qualify as Vet-to-Vet volunteers.
This program partners veteran patients with veteran volunteers to recognize their service with honor and respect through pinning ceremonies, which acknowledge and show appreciation for those who have served as they face end of life, or serious illness.

Life Care Coordinators – left: Laura Long; Volunteer Service Coordinator
right: Jenny Todd; Volunteer Program Coordinator
Volunteer coordinators Jenny Todd and Laura Long assisted us in filling out the necessary paperwork and showed us a film of a pinning ceremony. Jenny commented, “how many of the veterans have never talked to their families about their experiences in the service until this opportunity to chat with another veteran, it can be a very emotional event.”
We also had three members of the Rivers Edge Veterans Association attend. Nick Micale, Larry Shapiro and Bruce Goins. They work closely with Life-Care to coordinate the visitations and assists with training of volunteers.
They told us how the pinning can be very emotional but also an honor to recognize the service and dedication of the veterans. Many of whom have never felt welcome home until this moment.
At this time, the John E. Jacobs American Legion Post #68 Leland has 10 members signed up to be pinners. Vice Commander Dan Fortini stated, “this is an example of our local Veterans taking care of fellow veterans and their families.”