VFW Voice of Democracy and Patriot Pen Themes for 2023-2024

Gerald Decker, Founder, President


The VFW has announced the topics for the 2023-2024 Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen youth essay competitions.


This is last year’s winner- Scotland Stewart, 15-year-old Sophomore, from Tennessee. Also, Naomi Park of Jacksonville, NC won $2,500 for her submission as the winner for the State of North Carolina


1st Place $35,000 T.C. Selman Memorial Scholarship

2nd Place $21,000 Charles Kuralt Memorial Scholarship

3rd Place $15,000 VFW Scholarship





Seventh grader, Leighton Peters, from Wisconsin,  picked up $5,000 for winning first place in the Patriot Pen award. 



The themes for the school year 2023-24 are:

Voice of Democracy — “What Are the Greatest Attributes of Our Democracy?”

 Patriot Pen-“How are you inspired by America?”

The deadline to be submitted to VFW Post 12196 is October 31, 2023. Send to vfwpost12196@gmail.com.


The time to start your research and drafts is now. Don’t wait until the deadline.