Haunted House

Leo T., 8th Grade Leland Middle School

A kid named Adrian went missing. Not many people really knew who he was but this is his story. On October 31 2022 Adrian had gone trick or treating by himself.   He was around the age of 13 so he went to a few houses and got himself some candy when he thought to himself why isn’t he in the rich neighborhood getting the big candy bars? He made the long walk to Mallory Creek and when he went to his first house he was super excited after he saw what they gave him. Adrian got his favorite candy bar snickers and it was the big one too so he was eating that while he walked around getting more candy when he saw a haunted house which is something he wanted to always go in but never did because of his neighborhood. He was excited to go in but nervous at the same time so he finally got the nerves to go in and at everything seemed cool and scary when someone came out the shadows he thought it was apart of the haunted house but that’s when the kid got snatched and brought to the back of the house where he was chained up to a table for then he was tortured until he was brutally murdered by a chainsaw for nobody to ever see him again.