Life has been, shall we say, fluid these past several months.
With the goal of buying and then moving into a new home taking up more and more time, that has meant less time dedicated to health and fitness.
As in mine and those relying on me to help them reach their goals and create the best version of themselves. There has been little time for the integral steps in the everyday process that determine the health of my most precious commodity…
My health.
But that doesn’t mean I toss my hands in the air and say…
“What’s the point of doing this at all?”
Instead, I have done my best, even though that has looked decidedly different from day to day. Some days look better than others.
Much like riding a rollercoaster at an amusement park, some days I reach great heights with keeping myself looking and feeling my best so I can be at my best for those counting on me, personally and professionally.
And other days, I accept whatever the best looks like to be good enough. It beats the alternative – not doing anything at all and reverting back to my younger adult days, when I made every wrong choice imaginable for myself, and ultimately ballooned to nearly 250 pounds.
Every day has been good in their own way, because I did the work I needed to do as best as I could each day. Progress not perfection – that’s the ultimate goal.
Let’s face it…we are our harshest critics, yet we also hold ourselves accountable for our actions, or lack thereof, the least. We say we’re going to eat healthier, and work out more consistently, and spend more time with family and friends.
Then we get consumed in our everyday lives – work, responsibilities, obligations. The things we convince ourselves are priorities in life but really don’t move the needle all that much in the right direction. Then we allow the excuses we believe to be true because they make us feel better to replace the actual truth…
That we simply don’t want to do the consistently hard work needed to attain the level of health and fitness – quality of life, really – that we say we want.
Then we beat ourselves up over doing nothing at all.
When instead, we can simply do our best each day, whatever that looks like, even if the effort put forth and results gained don’t seem as big as yesterday. Then soon enough, we begin to see the results of the work we did and realize all the work we do – every bit of it – is critical to being successful.
Just because what we did today doesn’t measure up to the level we expect of ourselves every day doesn’t mean all hope is lost, and time was wasted.
It means doing the best you can, because that leads to progress, which leads to wins, which moves us closer to our goals. Then focus on doing at least a little bit better tomorrow.
If you would like to learn more about how to develop the mindset you needed to reach the goals you have set for yourself, contact me at 814.504.7774 or by email at info@fernandesfit.com or head to fernandesfit.com.
If you would like to learn more about my health and fitness journey, you can pick up the best-selling book I co-authored, “Real Talk With Real Fit Pros,” on Amazon.