Could Cinderella be a fraud?
I was sitting at my desk at the Royal Rattler when a middle-aged woman approached me. She was not a very pretty woman mainly due to the scowl she wore on her face. She had multiple sheets of parchment in her arms.
She started explaining that she was a relative of Cinderella. We all knew Cinderella was the to-be Queen of our fair kingdom. The woman sat down and started telling a story of how dishonest Cinderella really was. I am slightly interested but I was seeing a mean streak of jealousy in her motive.
She stated her premise, “Cinderella is a fraud and there is no fairy godmother. The fairy godmother was an actress Cinderella hired to play the part. She is a fraud and took my place with the Prince!”
I start reading through the papers and affidavits. The story line that was being painted is that Cinderella had done jail time scamming young lords out of their money. She would set up business in a village to find out when a ball was being held. She would get a copy of the invitation and forge her name on a copy. Her wardrobe was beautiful which she used to bedazzle all the men at the Ball. Her modus operandi was to find the richest lords there and play up to each. She would find who was not married and focus her numerous charms on the target. She would woo him and get him to propose. The wedding planning would cost a fortune which she pocketed. Days before the proposed wedding, she would leave in the middle of the night thus leaving the Lord in the lurch.
I turn back to the woman accusing Cinderella of a con game. I ask, “Who are you?” She harrumphs and says, “I am the youngest of her stepsisters. I am the one that was destined to wear the glass slippers not Cinderella!”
I tell her I can investigate this and see if the information bears out her accusations. Her face lost its frown and started smiling at me. The change did not endear her to me as the change only put a shiver of fear down my spine.
The papers laid out where Cinderella’s last exploit took place. I make my way there. In every village there is a gossip be it male or female. For men, they can be found in the local tavern. For women, it is either the church or the dressmaker. After three days of talking to as many who would open up with their stories, I am convinced Cinderella actually could be a gold digger.
I set up an appointment with Cinderella at the castle. I enter the castle where I’m shown to her sitting room. She closes the door, leans forward towards me asking, ”Did Anastasia buy the story about my past?”
I whisper to her, “She did, and I spent several days pretending to investigate it. She followed me to make sure I did my job.”
Cinderella turns to gather a bag of coins, handing it to me. I smile saying, “It has been nice doing business with you Cinderella. By the by, Anastasia will be disgraced and banned from society after she charges you in public. What are you to do with Drizella?”
Cinderella smiles and winks at me, “I will need your service soon, look for my messenger!”
Image by Victoria_Regen from Pixabay