Amanda Stepka is a teacher assistant at Brunswick Early College High School who has recently graduated from Brunswick Community College and has always aspired to work with kids. She said she knew from a young age that she wanted to work with kids.
Stepka states, “I was three or four. I remember it was raining. It was dark. My mom got me out of the back seat of the car, taking me over to the house of these people I don’t know. I guess I fell asleep on the couch and I woke up and I was all alone. Nobody was around. I didn’t know where anybody was. And a baby was screaming. So I followed the sound of the screaming baby. And I found the baby. The baby is just looking at me and the crib screaming its head off. And I’m like, I don’t know what to do. Where is everybody? The baby screamed forever. Finally I just, I gave up, and I was like, well, nobody’s coming for this baby. So I guess I’m going to have to take care of this baby. It took every bit of strength I had to pick that baby up out of that crib. But I managed to do it, carried it back to the couch that I had woken up on. And I was trying to console the baby.”. This was one of many experiences of her childhood that led to her wanting to work with kids.
When Stepka originally started working on her 2-year degree, she originally wanted to be a social worker. Then one day a close friend of hers made the point of how devastated she’d be when she couldn’t legally help a child in the way they needed. So teaching assistant and bus driver is the path she’s currently following.
When asked if Stepka has enjoyed working with kids so far, she said “I love working with kids. I always have.” It’s wonderful as a student to know my teacher genuinely enjoys what she does. When talking to students, she’s always engaged. She helps students with whatever problem she can and if she can’t, she will be sure to find someone who can.
Amanda Stepka • Oct 24, 2023 at 12:13 pm
Aww shucks