Photo by t-r-photography on Unsplash
The relationship between a young child and their pet is always special. It is never an easy experience when our beloved pet passes away. This is a short, sweet story between a four-year-old girl Meredith, and her fourteen-year-old dog Abbey who just recently passed away.
The day after Abbey died, Meredith was very depressed and cried a lot because she missed her sweet Abbey so much. Meredith then comes up with a very touching and unique idea to honor her sweet Abbey.
She asks her Mom if they can write a letter to heaven so that once Abbey crosses the Rainbow Bridge and enters heaven, God will notice Abbey and take special care of her. Her mother loved the idea. So, Abbey went ahead and wrote:
Dear God,
Our fourteen-year-old dog Abbey just recently died. Please take special care of her. I miss her so much. She was a great dog and a special friend for fourteen years, even though she got sick at the end. Please love her, kiss her, spoil her, and play with her. She loved playing in the pool and with balls. Make sure you kiss her good night and tell her that Meredith misses her. I sent you a picture of Abbey, so you know what she looks like.
Love, Meredith.
The next day, Meredith and her Mom put the letter in the mail. Meredith adds lots of extra stamps and stickers to make sure it gets all the way to heaven.
A few days later, Meredith asked her Mom if God had received the letter yet and she said she believed that he did.
The next day, there is a package for Meredith wrapped in gold paper in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened the box. Inside there was a book by Mr. Rogers called, “When A Pet Dies.” Right inside the front cover of the book was the letter they had written to God. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey and Meredith they had sent God with this note attached:
Dear Meredith,
Abbey arrived here in heaven safely and is in comfortable hands. Having the picture was very helpful. I recognized her right away. She is no longer in distress. Her spirit is safe with me just like it stays in your heart forever. Abbey truly loved being your dog.
I am sending you back the picture and letter you sent me inside this special book as a keepsake to remember Abbey by. Hang the picture on your wall. This way you can still her every day. You can tell her good morning and kiss her good night. She will always be with you in heart and spirit.
Thank you for the sweet letter you wrote me and thank your mother for helping you write it. What a great special mother you have. I selected her, especially for you. I send my love and blessings every day. Remember I love you very much.
I am here anytime you need me. Just call out my name, anytime at all. Whenever you are in fear or in trouble, or whenever you need someone to talk to.
I am with you everywhere you go, watching over you always.