Describing an average school day for a student at Brunswick County Early College High School (BCECHS) is extremely difficult, as there is a great amount of variation in what students do depending on their grade and degree plan. The typical school day for a student just starting at BCECHS lasts from 8:00-3:20. It consists of 5 periods, each lasting an hour and 25 minutes. The 4th period of the day is typically the lunch period and is divided into three segments. During these three segments, students may be required to attend study halls or meet with teachers for extra help in classes. However, this quickly changes as students advance in school. A freshman will often have a day that is entirely filled with high school classes, while some seniors and graduates are taking entirely college classes that don’t require them to be at school all days of the week.
During my freshman year, I spent almost all of my time in high school classes and dedicated several of my lunch periods to study halls. During sophomore year, I had a few college classes offering free periods, as many of them only meet two days a week. Now, in my junior year, I am taking one high school course and four college courses. Because the college courses I take meet less frequently, I have more free time than I did in previous years. However, this time is much needed, as my classes have gotten increasingly difficult and require extra work. The biggest challenge I am facing right now is calculus.
My favorite subject is math- I love the challenge it provides. However, my current calculus class lasts two hours and twenty minutes, and although we get a small break in the middle, it’s a grueling course. I have grown to enjoy it, though, and I genuinely look forward to learning more each time. Senior Isabella Booth says that she enjoys her college biology course because of the opportunities to explore the world around her. Junior Kyler Terry says he likes his English and Writing courses because they come naturally to him. Other students enjoy the hands-on experiences from welding or nursing courses. The variety in what students are doing is astounding and makes it hard to outline what a day would look like for an average student.
Although there are striking differences in the way that school days look for students at BCECHS, there is a place for all to connect: clubs. I have found that my clubs are a great way to stay connected to my high school mentors and peers while also expressing myself and serving my community. Clubs are optional but one of the highlights of BCECHS. I have gotten heavily involved in Student Government and Journalism, but there are many clubs for students to enjoy. Some clubs focus on volunteering, clubs that focus on certain subjects like STEM or Social Studies, art clubs, a theater club, and many more. These are a place for students to connect with the others in the school and learn from each other, even though they might not have classes together.
While BCECHS is vastly different for all students, we can all find connections in our student body because we are proud members of our small school. Studying at BCECHS requires hard work, self-discipline, and cooperation with peers. The typical school day for one at BCECHS is hard to describe, but the character that a student must have to get through it isn’t.

Flame tests in a chemistry class