Time travel is possible, not to the past but to the future. If you go 200 billion light years away, you could watch the Earth change and then you could return hopefully fast enough that either the earth is still fine or Jesus has already come back from the dead. However, there’s a way you can travel to the past. If you go fast enough, you can and will go back through time.
Now time travel, like in the movies, is possible, just like that movie Back to the Future. There’s a chance that if you go to one side of the universe, the earth is still in the 50’s. If you get there fast enough, you could see the 50’s right before your eyes. I also think this might sound stupid and ridiculous, but if you’ve ever seen a Marvel movie, you know it kind of makes sense how they demonstrate timelines and time travel.
I think there’s a different timeline for the past, present, and future. This is just a theory, but I think it makes sense. I still haven’t worked out the logistics yet, but my plan is to go back to the past and future. I’ll definitely let you know how it goes.
Kaleigh "Liv" Bennett • Oct 17, 2023 at 2:23 pm
The jesus thing was random but overall nice and very sciency
I probably couldn’t figure that out on my own lol! But technically time travel is impossible because usually time travel means being on earth when it’s that time despite being born in a different time
MAYBE though it could be possible in the future!!