National days are known to be memorable, sometimes even wacky, while not
having much meaning about how they were created, they are always fun to attend.
National days are little events that happen every day and there are over 1,500 national days. They could be known well or be new for people, such as New Year’s Eve or National Taco Day.
Some people say that the presidents first created national days to promote items or food. Such as Ronald Regan, who promoted the dairy business by creating National Ice Cream Day so that people would eat ice cream, increasing the wealth of dairy businesses.
Even though national days were made by people in higher power, anyone can make a national day, and for example, avocado day was created by a company named Model Meals. All anyone needs to make a national day is a reason and patience to see if the president or Congress approves it.
National days do not have a specific timeline of when they were first created; some people think that it could have started on Independence Day, all the way back from 1776, and some people think that Ronald Regan started it by creating National Ice Cream Day, back in 1984.
A man has made a calendar mainly focused on national days and it was called “the national day’s calendar”, where the calendar is mainly about every national day. It was first created in 2013 by a man named Marlo Anderson. Some people think that he is the main reason why national days are celebrated.
No matter if you do or do not celebrate national days, it is always cool to know that every day is a little special, and when looking up the day’s national day, it is always interesting to see what day it could be.