This holiday season, we don’t need a lot of gifts as the greatest gift we can give each other is the gift of love. We need to show more love toward each other.
There is too much hatred and evil in the world today. Too many innocent people are being hurt and killed and too many people are being discriminated against cause of their race, sex, political party, ethnicity, and religion which is heartbreaking and unacceptable.
Too many children and young adults grow up in violent abusive family relationships and thus find themselves getting into trouble and start using alcohol, drugs, and violence, which is heartbreaking.
It all starts in the home. We need to be sure our children and young adults are being loved and are being taught the right way. We need to teach our children to spread love and respect everyone equally, no matter what race, gender, religion, political party, or ethnicity they are.
Like Doctor Martin Luther King famously said, we need to judge people, “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” We need to treat everyone equally as human beings.
Families need to have a loving, caring, and trusting relationship. Show love and respect toward each other. Families should take time every day, especially during meals, to put down their phones, turn off the television and have healthy conversations and pray together. We need to teach our children the importance and power of prayer.
There is no better time than now, during the holiday season as this time of year is always a loving, joyous, uplifting, and happy time of year.
Especially this holiday season, we need to be grateful to be healthy, to have enough food, water, money, clothing, to have a warm happy home and a loving family.
This holiday season, we need to pray for the safety of United States and can become a stronger and safer country again soon. We pray for the protection of our Armed Forces and can return to their families soon.
We pray that the hungry find much needed food, the thirsty find clean healthy drinking water, the sick find the medicine and medical attention they need, and the homeless find a warm safe home especially as the cold winter months are approaching.
This holiday season we all should do a random act of kindness every day. We should consider donating non-perishable food, bottled water, money, and unwanted clothing to help the needy and less fortunate this holiday season.
We should also consider donating toys and clothing to children in need this holiday season.
One of the greatest images and feelings of the holiday season is to see the happy smiles on a young child’s face.
These are all great examples of spreading love and putting joy, love, and happiness in our hearts this holiday season.
That would be the greatest present of all, to see everyone around the world start to love one another once again and make this world a better place once again.
Let’s make sure this is a happy joyous holiday season for each and everyone.