VFW Auxiliary
On Tuesday, November 14, the Leland VFW Post 12196 Auxiliary was officially chartered at the Magnolia Greens Meeting Room. This has been a focus of Post 12196 Founder and Past Post Commander Gerald Decker since Post 12196 was Chartered on January 19, 2020. “My experience as Post Commander in Elberton, Georgia, taught me the importance of having an active Auxiliary. Many of the most successful VFW Post have very successful Auxiliaries. I have always thought it would be a necessary addition if this new VFW Post in Leland were to be the best it can be.”
The current Post Commander, Nate Pringle, welcomed a crowd that included Mayor Brenda Bozeman, Department of North Carolina Auxiliary President Connie Holt, and District 5 Auxiliary President Debra Crowder. Auxiliary President Holt gave an informative opening speech about the importance of the work of VFW Auxiliaries and then conducted the Charter ceremony by swearing in the new members.
Following the swearing-in, the new members adjourned to the Club House to have their first meeting and the election of officers. The new officers are:
President Brandi Hinshaw
Senior Vice President Christina Collins
Jr. Vice President Evan Jones
Treasurer Wendy Hunter
Secretary Lynda Jones
Chaplain Joanne Hugh
Conductor Dania Josey
Guard Dot Marone
Trustees: Jennifer Eppick, Joanne McHugh, and Dot Marone
For more information on becoming a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary contact us at vfwpost12196@gmail.com or call 910-408-1934.
Eligibility Requirements for VFW Auxiliary Membership:
Members must be at least 16 years old.
Those eligible are:
Of persons who were or are eligible for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
Those eligible for membership in the VFW are those who have received a campaign medal for overseas service, have served 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days in Korea; or have ever received hostile fire or imminent danger pay.
Step- and adopted parents, children, siblings (and half-siblings), grandparents and grandchildren are considered the same as biological parents, children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren and may join the VFW Auxiliary under their VFW-eligible veteran.
Proof of service is required for eligibility and must be obtained by the applicant.