Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Teen Scene, Inc. is excited to sponsor a creative writing competition between participating Cape Fear area schools beginning January 1, 2024. Burgaw Middle, Cedar Grove Middle, Leland Middle Schools, and Honours Guild Homeschool will compete for individual and school awards. Likewise, Brunswick Early College High, Heide Trask, West Brunswick High, and Honours Guild Homeschoolers will compete for individual and school awards.
Participating students will compete in three categories: short stories, poetry, or visual art (including photography) based on an assigned monthly theme. The same theme will be used in all categories. Individual writers will be ranked in a point system, totaling up to a school total. Winners will be recognized each month. The school with the most wins by May will be awarded the winner and receive a “Grand Prize.”
Each month, the winning school will be offered a donut party (if it is a morning meeting) or a pizza party (if it is an afternoon meeting time).
The grand prize for the winning writer/artist in each category is $100. The grand prize for the winning school will be $500.
Each writer must be registered with Teen Scene, Inc. before submitting an entry. (Contact your Journalism Teacher for information on how to register.)
Each school must have at least three submissions and a maximum of five.
Monthly themes will be announced on the first day of each month. All work should be submitted before the 7th of each month.
Articles should be in the 500-word range, and poetry should be a maximum of 300 words.
Winners will be announced by the 15th of each month.
If your school would like to join our program to promote writing and communication skills among middle and high school students, please contact us for more info.