Teen Scene, Inc., in cooperation with participating area schools, is happy to announce the start of a monthly writing competition between schools. The contest will run monthly until June. Participating schools include, Brunswick Early College High School, Heide Trask High School, Honours Guild of Wilmington (High) and West Brunswick High School will compete in the high school division.
The middle school competitors will include Burgaw Middle School, Cedar Grove Middle School, Leland Middle School, and Honours Guild of Wilmington (Middle).
Participating students will compete in three categories: short stories, poetry, or art based on an assigned monthly theme. There will also be monthly awards, i.e. prize money for writers and a donuts/pizza party for the winning school.
The Grand Prize would be awarded by the end of the school year to the winning school over the 5-month competition and to the student who accumulates the most points during the same period. The individual monthly winner in each category will receive a $25 check. The Grand Prize for the winning writer/artist in each category is $100. The grand prize for the winning school will be $500.
Essay Rules:
- Writers are required to be a registered writer for Teen Scene, Inc.
- All essays should be typed, 400 – 500 words in length.
- Contestants are allowed to enter only once each month.
- The essay must be the contestant’s original work and a product of the contestant’s own thinking.
- Poems should be 200 – 300 words in length.
- Art should be titled and described.
- Topics will be announced on the 1st of each month. Students will have until the 10th of each month to submit their entries. Winners will be announced by the 15th of each month.
- Late submissions will not be accepted for consideration in the writing contest but may be published online at cfvts.org.
- All entries should be submitted to: editorteenscene@gmail.com and titled “Writing Competition Entry”
For January 2024, the topic for all writers is:
“You are given a free ticket for a week’s vacation anywhere in the world. Where would you go and why?”
Answer in either a short story, poem, or art.