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Better Start Planning....
Morals! According to Mr. Webster’s dictionary, the word means “of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior (ethical), expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior, conforming to a standard of right behavior, capable of right and wrong action.”
“Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners” wrote Laurence Sterne in the 1700’s. Theodore Roosevelt, our 26 th president (1901 – 1909) said: “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.”
So wisely stated.
And last but not least: “Politics have no relation to morals.” Ha! Machiavelli in the 16th century and also wisely stated. But enough of politics. Ethics should be a guiding force in our everyday lives, wherever we go, with whomever we interact. Thoughts and actions based in moral behavior makes humans just a little bit kinder and even more, a little bit more “upright.”
I have wondered of late where the morals have gone. I have seen morals across the board slink down the slippery slope. Yes, I am over 60 and they call us “boomers;” however, we have a lot going for us as we are strong, responsible and live by strong moral values. Basically. We’re living longer so don’t tell us to go away. We listen to our doctors and pastors and spouses.
A moral person might not go through your car if it is unlocked—and if they do, they probably won’t take anything. Seriously, strong morals make better humans. Morals are for everyone, A to Z. No matter your religion or race or job or hair color, morals make the world a better place.
In business, for example, the owner/operator/employees should be partial to honesty in an ideal moral society. Banks? Shouldn’t they have morals? Teachers? Law enforcement? Yes! Who doesn’t want people in those professions to live with a high sense of moral obligation to those they serve? But this would bode well for the rest of us too.
Can’t we, as human beings so greatly blessed in this magnificently amazing country, become more aware of our actions toward one another? We can have that “right behavior” Mr. Webster spoke of. Yes, we can be kind, courteous, considerate and honest. Those traits come from a high moral value within ourselves. So let us, this year, be those people.