The beginning started with a singularity in space. Smaller than microscopic, but then one day, one planck second, it was there. Then the next, it expanded drastically. Thus the universe was made.
Microscopic particles were made, Protons and Neutrons. Then they combined to create nuclei – mostly hydrogen and helium. Many years later, electrons fused with the nuclei, hence making atoms.
Light is made for the first time. Gravity is making hydrogen and helium coalesce into clouds – which will become galaxies. Smaller clumps of gas collapse in on themselves to make stars.
As galaxies cluster together under gravity, stars die and spew out heavy elements into space which will form more stars as well as planets. But now life has appeared… ALIENS!!!
They are not what we thought they were like. Really, they’re just US before we found Earth. Adam and Eve were just the first aliens populating Earth. U.F.O.’s are just our spaceships, alien blasters are just our guns.
Thus, The Rest Is History. But just remember we are the ALIENS.
Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash