This article was originally published on We Are ( Republished with permission as part of Teen Scene, Inc.’s international student voice partnership.
Yes, it’s that time of year. Heart-shaped absolutely everything. You want chocolates, or how about a pendant? Oh, wait there is no choice it will be heart shaped or bright red.
This day, also known as St. Valentine’s Day, is celebrated every year on the 14th of February. Valentine’s day is a historic day in which couples often opt to express their affection for one another with greetings and gifts.
Obviously, due to the title of the article some of you must be wondering what a Galantine’s Day is. Well, it’s an unofficial day just before the infamous Valentine’s Day where friends get together and celebrate the platonic love of sisterhood. By the time this article has been uploaded Galantine’s Day would have passed but please feel free to do a late one, as it is never too late to celebrate the love you have for your friends. Galantine’s day is a relatively new concept that has been popularised with Gen Z and I think it’s an awesome trend.
The big argument between both single and taken people is whether Galantine’s Day or Valentine’s Day is the most important day to be celebrated.
My take? I believe both groups are valid however, I’m on team Galantine’s Day especially because there should be a time when the love of platonic and pure friendships are celebrated.
As a girl of my age many will argue that I do not fully understand the concept of love and how Valentine’s Day is important for people who are in relationships. But what about our single friends or the friends who were there for you since day one? This day should be dedicated to our sisters and brothers who may not be in relationships but have so much love to give to their friends. The true heroes of our lives are the ones we created memories with and conquered life’s trials and tribulations together through the incredible power of friendship.
To all the boys, do not think that Galantine’s Day is only for the girls because it is important to celebrate the love you have for all your mates. No matter the dynamic of your friend group, it is important to celebrate the love you have for each other. The feeling of appreciating your friendship and acknowledging how much they have impacted your lives is something that no one can explain.
Not only to the boys but also to the people who may have a valentine, you are more than welcome to celebrate Galantine’s Day as well, in fact you are wanted!
To end this article, I want to deliver a final message to all the February 14th lovers and haters. In the end we all have people we love and they deserve to be celebrated, so go get your friends and make it a tradition to have a great Galantine’s Day.