There was a man so selfless, and pure, filled with compassion for all humanity!!!
Oh, how he will take away our iniquity (Sins) of this broken world for eternity all we have to do is believe in him.
How our savior’s blood was shed on a rugged cross so we could be set free from our bondage.
Restoring the gateway to the father and inviting us all to commune with him.
Let our hearts be filled with joy, with a renewed sense of gratitude and spirit.
For this is the good news
He has risen from the dead and awaits anyone who will humble themselves before him asking to come into their lives.
He loves us all, with an unconditional love that lasts forever.
So, as you go this Easter, I want you to take time to reflect on the sacrifices that our king made while He was on the cross.
I want you to remember that he did it for you; and that he loved you so much to die on a cross.
A personal love letter to a world that desperately needed it.
He has risen indeed!!!
Happy Easter to all.