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A Father’s love is a sacred kind of love that is boundless, the kind of love that you only dream of.
A father’s love speaks wisdom over his children like a lighthouse providing light in the darkness.
He’s a shoulder that you can lean on, sitting in the mud with you as he wipes the tears from your eyes, telling a light hearted joke to try to lift your spirits.
He shows his children the importance of hard work, by using their hands to build toy cars, helping him with house projects, teaching you how to change a tire or throwing a baseball in the backyard before your big game. He supports your ambitions being your biggest fan, celebrating your victories in life, praying for your wellbeing and your happiness.
A father’s love is having a father daughter dance on your wedding day, making a speech that moves people to tears of how blessed he is to have you as a daughter.
A father’s love is playing dress up with you to help with self expression, painting your nails to meet the queen for tea, him checking for monsters under the bed to make sure you’re safe or reading a bedtime story to spend some extra time with you before you go to bed.
Whether it’s watching a football game and rooting for your favorite team, having a movie night and watching a favorite movie that you have seen a hundred times, teaching you how to drive for the first time or having a talk with your first boyfriend about respect because no one is good enough for his princess, a Father’s love is boundless.
From understanding that you’re sorry that you crashed the car, that you missed curfew because you lost track of time, inside jokes between the two of you, being your best friend, to having eyes for only your mother. The type of man you aspire to marry one day.
Having a father that pours every once into you is a blessing from God. So, thank you to all the fathers out there who pour every once of themselves into their children because you exemplify what a father’s love truly is.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!