Photo by Nancy Bryans
Awake at dawn to see the morning light
Slip through clouds as the day unfurls.
Plan your life.
Be the Artist.
You stand before a blank canvas on an easel.
Sketch an outline of your day’s journey.
Begin your work.
Be the Artist.
Life, like a coin, can be spent on anything
But it can be spent just once.
Make wise choices.
Be the Artist.
Fill your sketch with a background color
To provide an underlying tone of unity.
Select the color.
Be the Artist.
Add areas of shadow and light.
Fill your canvas with splashes of paint,
Thick on thin.
Be the Artist.
Remember—today is tomorrow’s yesterday,
Waiting to be archived into your history.
Make today count.
Be the Artist.
Evaluate your canvas at midday.
Do you need to correct errors or mistakes?
Modify your work.
Be the Artist.
Each day marks one less day left to live.
Maximize the use of your talents.
Accomplish your goals.
Be the Artist.
In the afternoon, fill your canvas
With a portrait of your day’s journey.
Evaluate your progress.
Be the Artist.
Cover mistakes with broad brush strokes.
Add fresh ideas to your unfinished canvas.
Paint with gusto.
Be the Artist.
It’s time to apply the final layers.
Don’t hurry; use light brush strokes.
Refine the details.
Be the Artist.
Stand back often to view your canvas.
Apply highlights straight from the tube.
Sign your painting.
Be the Artist.
At the remains of the day,
Ponder your successes and failures.
Prepare for tomorrow.
Be the Artist.