Writing can be a fun, creative way for individuals to express themselves. Teen Scene helps teens develop their writing skills and offers the opportunity to have their stories published on this website. Guidelines for submissions are outlined under Submit Your Work at cfvts.org.
–Start with a subject, such as a person, animal, place, or thing you find interesting.
–Select a theme to focus your story.
–Make notes of as many ideas about your subject as you can that could be a part of your short story.
–Outline those ideas to form the basis for your story.
–Select a title.
–Write an interesting opening sentence.
–Start writing a draft, incorporating your outlined ideas to form the framework of your story.
–Review what you have written, and revise and edit to narrow the focus of your story.
–Read your story out loud or to someone.
–Correct any mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or sentence construction.
–When you are satisfied with your revisions and editing, your short story is finished.