photo by Nick Youngson, The Blue Diamond Gallery
Two hundred forty-seven years ago, our founding fathers fought against a tyrannical government taking away their rights; they won, and founded a new nation, composed of states, with a constitution that protected the rights of the people to change the government if it became corrupt. Amongst these rights is the right to bear arms, thought so important by those who paved the foundation for our country that it is the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This right has stood firm in the hearts of the people for centuries. However, the days when self-defense was a unanimous right have long since passed.
Since the 1960s, gun control has gotten stricter and stricter–but at what point does gun control become unconstitutional? The District of Columbia prohibited the carrying of unregistered firearms and the registration of handguns. Dick Anthony Heller, a D.C. special police officer, who was authorized to use a handgun while on duty, applied for a one-year permit for a handgun to keep at his house. This application was denied.
The U.S. Supreme Court voted in favor of Heller 5-4, stating that this restriction on the ownership of firearms violated the Second Amendment of the Constitution. They stressed that the term “militia” referred not only to those who were in the military but during the time of the Revolutionary War, referred to all able-bodied men. Writing at the time would suggest that this is the intended meaning. Additionally, based on the war that the Founding Fathers fought, it can be assumed that they would want their people to be able to fight against oppressive governments.
I agree with this ruling. While there should be some restrictions on the purchase of guns, they should still be accessible. It is clearly stated in the Constitution that we have the right to bear arms. The District of Columbia violated this right and Heller was right to bring them to court; he did just what the Founding Fathers would have wanted: fought for his rights against a corrupt government.
The question that sticks with me is why so many people are so afraid of guns and desperately want gun control–after all, it’s not guns that kill, it’s people who kill. Those who want to kill will find other ways, and all gun control does is prevent people from getting them legally; while those who abide by the law would not have access, criminals who wish to hurt others have no obligations to the law. They would still get guns, but now they have no fear of others defending themselves.