As an adult, you’re expected to feed, clothe, shelter, and provide for yourself. Why, then, should this 18-year-old adult not be allowed to drink? If you’re expected to have all the responsibilities of an adult, you should also have the privileges of an adult. It’s not a secret that college students drink. It’s actually almost a joke — but it’s far from funny. Legal adults are going to drink, whether they’re old enough or not. But without a lowered drinking age, these legal adults are more exposed to the dangers– such as drink spikes and driving under the influence– of drinking. This leads to more accidents, assaults, and overdoses.
Is it really worth those 3 years?
You may ask if 18-year-olds are mentally prepared to drink, to balance alcohol with everyday life. But I ask you this – are 18-year-olds mentally prepared to vote? If you’re sound enough to have a say on the future of our country, then you’re old enough to drink.
If you can sign up for the military, sign up to fight, and potentially die for your country, you should be able to drink. It’s true that the brain isn’t fully developed until anywhere from 21-25, but we don’t put other major life decisions on hold until then. No. You’re an adult at 18, and you’re expected to act like it. So why shouldn’t you be able to enjoy it, too?
The legal drinking age should be lowered. It’s time to stop criminalizing drinking under the age of 21; if adults are fully able to make their own decisions, then we should let them.