COVID had affected the students of Leland Middle School. Nathaniel, a 7th grader, says he spent most of the summer in-side because of the virus. Just recently he had the virus and commented on how difficult it was for him to stay in his room for two weeks. He was not able to go to school and was “stuck in the virtual learning program.” He was concerned that his brother might get the virus and have a more difficult time with the virus. He was also sad that his brother’s trip to Disneyland had to be cancelled.
Robert Brannon, another 6th grader, echoed Nathaniel’s feelings. “Life is very hard” dealing with this pandemic. Having to stay home a lot and wear masks all the time has been tough. Zacchaeus agreed saying, “…don?t even get me started about the masks. They really get on my nerves and some of my family members have breathing problems so it’s hard for them.”
Judith Hartman commented that we are learning ways to make us safer, like washing our hands and social distancing. But staying 6 feet away from everyone is not fun. Similar feelings were expressed by Jahqueala Ballard, Kiley Oberdick, Melody Grissom, and Kelsey Zwinggi. No one likes not seeing family and friends and having to wear a mask. Virtual learning has been a learning experience in itself.