Dan Dodge
HOSA club members traveled to Dixon High School in Onslow County to compete in several medical careers. Each member competed in a different subject whether it was health events, health professions, emergency preparedness, leadership, teamwork, or recognition events. Some students

were required to take tests, some were required to perform medical attention, and some were even required to bring their own demonstrations such as posters or presentations. Many West Brunswick HOSA members ranked in the top 3 places of their competition and will move forward onto state competition.
1st place winners
John Nguyen- 1st in medical math
2nd place winners
Brooklyn Nealy- Home health aid
Ruth McKenzie- cultural disparities
Logan Franklin and Conner Evans- CERT

3rd place winners
Brycen Wilson- medical math
Erin Kelly- home health aid
Jewelie Gore and Zoey Boswell- healthcare career display
Macie Coley- sports medicine