Dan Dodge
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Don’t pinch me, I am wearing green. It’s that time again to prepare for the ongoing pinch fest that one must endure, if they forget to wear green. In my ever-prepared fashion, I have already planned my 2022 St. Patrick’s Day attire. I certainly do not want to become a victim of the pinch “ouch”.
Have you ever wondered where the pinching developed from? Is it Irish invented or American invented? Well…. (drum roll please) It is American invented or should I say American made. I searched the internet to find out the secret of the St. Patrick’s Day pinch. I knew for certain that there must be a mystical and interesting story behind the pinch. However, my dreams of the mystery were dashed. The pinch started in America, possibly around the 1700’s. During my search I could find only two possible reasons for the pinching.
Pinch one result. Some say that if you don’t wear green on this glorious green day, you will be pinched. But why, one might ask. The donning of green clothing, shows that you are giving honor and remembrance to Ireland. If you don’t wear the desired green, the pinch is to remind you, “shame on you for not honoring Ireland”
Pinch two results (my favorite). This result involves those magical and mythical creatures called Leprechauns. Part of this belief is that when a person wears green, the mythical leprechaun cannot see you, deeming you invisible. The additional part of this belief is that since leprechauns are mischievous little creatures, they like to pinch. A pinch from them is a reminder that you are not wearing green.
Now my husband, of 34 years, has his own philosophy for NOT wearing green. He believes that since his birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day, he does not have to participate in the wearing of the green. Hmmm, I didn’t find that on the internet at all. Having a March 17 birthday does not exclude one from the pinch. My husband will continue to receive the glorified pinch from his loving wife!
I am prepared and excited for that glorious green day celebration for St. Patrick’s Day. I will participate in many festivities that are American made. I will have on green clothing while watching a St. Patrick’s Day parade on television from somewhere in the U.S.A. I will look for pictures of the Chicago River turned green for the day. I will end my day with a good supper of corned beef and cabbage washed down with a green beer and a green milkshake for dessert.
I hope everyone has a great St. Patrick’s Day with NO pinches and carry this Irish blessing close to your heart.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.