The Student News Site of Teen Scene, Inc

Cape Fear Voices/The Teen Scene

Cape Fear Voices and The Teen Scene is Named 2024 Non-Profit of the Year by the North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce

Cape Fear Voices/The Teen Scene

Cape Fear Voices / The Teen Scene named 2024 Non-Profit of the Year by North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce

Cape Fear Voices/The Teen Scene

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A Mysterious Man in the Trees

One day my friend, Kyra, and I wandered through the forest, looking for flowers and rocks. Though every time we took a step, we heard another. It felt like we were being watched but not by an animal. For a second, I thought it might just be some people on a walk, or maybe kids running around. Suddenly, I saw a pale man out of the corner of my eye, with bloody stains on his ripped shirt. He wore cut-up pants, and his grey-brown hair was noughted and messy. He was just standing there, rock still behind a tree. I whispered to Kyra, “run!”.


We sprinted. I tripped over a tree branch, and with Kyra behind me, she fell straight over me. As I looked up, I saw this river, surrounded by tall trees and the open sky. I got up slowly, admiring the view. I put my hand out to help Kyra up. She and I had cuts all over us, and she had a pretty nasty wound on her leg. As I look around the area to see if I see anyone or anything moving, everything is…still.


Kyra went down to sit on this rock because her leg hurt and was bleeding badly. “I’ll go find something to put on your leg, stay here and yell if anything happens” I went downstream and hopped over stones to get to the other side of the river. Nothing looked familiar. I think we are lost, but that wasn’t important right now. I need to find a big leaf and maybe some grass with dew on it.


As I walked over to the trees, I saw the bracelet I was just wearing lying on the ground in front of me. How did it get there? I had never been over here. I looked at my wrist; all my bracelets were gone. I picked up that bracelet and kept walking forward; then, I saw another one. That’s when I notice the guy standing in front of me with a bloody ax in his hand. That’s when I ran as fast as I could, hopping over the stones. I picked up a big leaf I found on the way for Kyra, along with some pine straw.


As soon as I got to Kyra, I tied the leaf onto her leg with the pine and the leaf; it helped a little. I told her about the guy and my bracelets. I helped her up, and we ran right back through the forest. I saw a house, then another, and another! We were back in my neighborhood! We made it! We jumped up and down excitedly. “That’s gonna be a story to tell,” said Kyra.

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