Dan Dodge
Dr. Dane Fisher was a college professor for 17 years before he moved to the coast where he became a science teacher at Brunswick County Early College High School. Dr. Fisher had many goals to accomplish, not only for his students, but also for science itself. Dr. Fisher loves Genetics and Biology, but science isn’t the only thing he is passionate about. He knows the importance of science and its research; therefore, he wanted to be a part of not only teaching
Dr. Fisher and his cat
students about science and its importance, but wanting them to be interested in it too. These are some of the many reasons why Dr. Fisher is Brunswick Early College High School 2021-2022 Teacher of The Year.
Dr. Fisher says his goal as a teacher is “having students understand that they can learn anything with the right growth mindset and being fearless in how they prepare.” His goal for his students is for them “to enjoy learning by doing hands-on and minds-on things.” Dr. Fisher makes sure to include interactive activities inside his classroom setting in order to help students understand and get excited about the lesson being taught.
Dr. Fisher’s dream is “to be the best father, husband, and teacher that I can be while encouraging others.”
His son, Gregori Fisher, a sophomore at BECHS, says “his desire to help others succeed through hard work and education and his willingness to go out of his way to teach others the skills they need to do well is what makes him a special dad.” Dr. Fisher is not only a hardworking person towards his family, but anyone he meets. He helps out with his garden at home, helps his wife, and his son, Gregori, but his help doesn’t just stop there.
Mrs. Absher, the principal here at BECHS, says “I believe his students become excited about the subject he teaches because he instructs the material with genuine enthusiasm and provides interactive and hands-on learning for them.” Dr. Fisher is clearly the instructional leader in the room but he also jumps in and engages in learning right along with his students.
Assistant principal Chris Orrock says, “Dr. Fisher sets high expectations for his students, but is willing to help students reach those expectations.”
Linzey Poe, a graduate at Early College says that Dr. Fisher is “Always cracking jokes and cracking down problems.”
Dr. Fisher is an extraordinary teacher and many students have benefited from his teachings. Dr. Fisher is known around the school for his amazing sense of humor. Many upperclassmen have said that Dr. Fisher has earned more qualifications to teach here at Early College, but he teaches here because he wants to influence students to love science and to work towards our goals.
Did You Know?
Did you know that Dr. Fisher loves to garden? In fact, Dr. Fisher used to run a vegetable farm that provided high end culinary vegetables to over 25 different chefs and restaurants in the Charlotte region of North Carolina. Dr. Fisher loves plants, and is also the advisor for the plant club here at BECHS.
* Cover photo: Dr Fisher and his cat