Teen Scene Stories
Tomorrow’s Voices Today
The Teen Scene Inc. is not affiliated with any other newspaper or organization. We are registered in the State of North Carolina dba Cape Fear Voices.
Teen Scene!
Your Teen Scene Editor is:
Gerald Decker @ editorteenscene@gmail.com
Layout Designer:
Giancario D’Alessandro
Are you a student who would like to submit your own stories to Teen Scene? Then get with your parents and have them click the button below to apply for access!
Click here to download form for access!
This Month’s Contributors:
Early College High School
Anna Adams
Becker (artist)
Nathanial Brown
Dale Dyer
Karleigh Quinn
Margie Steve
Isabella Wood
Leland Middle School
Lilly Bradley
Viola Brown
Keiran Daniels
Town Creek Middle School
Sawyer Lawson
West Brunswick High School
Ava Babson
Campbell Cheers
Riley Grissett
Raya Sunshine Milliken
Ashley Norfleet
The Teen Scene Inc. is not affiliated with any other newspaper or organization. We are registered in the State of North Carolina dba Cape Fear Voices. We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3), funded by advertisements, contributions, and grants. Your support is needed to allow Teen Scene and Cape Fear Voices to achieve our mission and help promote and publish the work of creative minds in the Cape Fear
We can be contacted at editorteenscene@gmail.com
All rights to the contents of this paper are reserved to Teen Scene, Inc., Cape Fear Voices, and the writers of each piece.
This edition of Teen
Scene sponsored by:
Philatelic History of Wilmington
Wilmington is a wonderful place to live and a city steeped in rich history. Appreciation of Wilmington is best understood by learning the scope and depth of its’ history. Along with the various books, periodicals and literature, postal history is another avenue of insight into Wilmington’s past. Collecting postal mail sent to and from Wilmington over the years and overseeing commemorative postal covers which highlight people and events are at the core of the Philatelic History of Wilmington. Visit the web-site ( https://www.wingnet.org/rtw/SUMWPS018.HTM )
Attention Area High Schools
Teen Scene is reserving space for your writers, photographers, and poets. Contact us today at editorteenscene@gmail.com
Latest Teen Scene Stories