A Tribute to a Fallen Hero

American Eagle, American Flag

Evonne Phillips

A Tribute to a Fallen Hero

By Evonne Phillips

(written October 13, 2001)



What happened in New York on September 11, 2001 brought sorrow and deep-felt heartache to all Americans in a tragedy that cannot be explained nor excused. It has touched and brought together all of us by a common thread of grief and in unexpected ways.

Associated Artists of Southport, one of the art groups I belong to, organized a fundraiser to help support those who have been affected. Artists donated their artwork to be sold with half or more of the proceeds going to this fund. I decided to donate my painting, “New York, New York,” done well before that September event. I felt it was fitting, since it is a scene of New York Harbor with the Statue of Liberty in the background.

During the Seafood and Jazz Festival Art Show, a young girl was standing quietly in front of the painting. As I spoke to her, she turned, and in tears, said her brother, a fireman, had died in the New York catastrophe.

Her wish was for us to pick up our lives and go on, because she knew her brother would wish it. She thanked everyone for all their support for all the people of New York.

This painting took on new meaning to me in that moment and I dedicate it to her brother, Mike Musengo.