It’s Time To Let My People Go, Already


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You are my heart

Paul Stutz, Brunswick Forest


The holiday season is over and, hopefully, everyone had an opportunity to worship as they  saw fit and to spend quality time with their families and friends. This is often the most joyous time of the year–a time when most people put aside any petty grievances they might have and help their families, friends and neighbors end the year on a positive note. It would be fantastic if that feeling of good will could somehow extend throughout the entire calendar year. After all, we are all God’s children. We should be grateful for whatever good things we have in our lives and we should help others achieve that same satisfaction.

So, why do so many people think that they are better than others based on the way they worship? Why is there so much hatred and discrimination in our society? I don’t get it! And, while any kind of bias against another person’s religion is deplorable, what is most puzzling and most sickening is the centuries-old antagonism toward those of the Jewish faith.

Antisemitism goes back hundreds of years before Jesus Christ appeared, but it became even more virulent after the crucifixion, when Jewish people were falsely accused of betraying him. It is true that certain leaders in the Jewish community at that time stated that his teachings were subversive. However, most historians have concluded that Jesus did not pose a credible threat to the Jewish community and there is absolutely no evidence that anybody in that community had anything to do with his capture and execution by the Romans. In 1965, the Catholic Church formally absolved the Jewish people of any complicity in the crucifixion and in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI reinforced that declaration. Yet, the accusation persists, and millions of Americans still believe it.

These same people also buy into other false stereotypes. “Jews” are money-hungry. They control the media and the banking system.  “Jews” are cheap. These people should take a stroll through any large city in the U.S. and note the Jewish names on the faces of museums, libraries and entertainment centers. These names are there because Jewish philanthropists donated millions of dollars to help build these structures. The fact remains that Jewish people are just like any others – no better and no worse. It is time to put this hatred to rest once and for all.

Finally, it would be most helpful if other ethnic minorities would band together to help. Recently, there have been some prominent members of the African-American community spouting what sounded to me, like antisemitism rhetoric.  They should remember that during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, Jewish people were at the forefront of the protests. I believe that people of the Muslim faith should also be sympathetic. After the September 11th attacks, many of them were victims of unwarranted prejudice. Asians were vilified in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.  We should all remember that people have no control over the characteristics they were born with–gender, race, religion, etc.  We should only be judged by how we live our lives and how we treat others.

Let us all join together to help achieve liberty and justice for all!