Bottled Up
June 2, 2023
The raging storm will always endure, only you can choose to break or survive
I am the feeling you get when your pride is weakened, Anger
I am the feeling you get when you wish to be someone else, Envy
I am the feeling you get when you are not strong enough, Fear
I am what makes you all the things you hate and wish to leave behind
When you put me in a bottle and cast me into the sea of your mind sinking endlessly
In your future hopes and dreams
As time goes on you forget me, until you reach for those dreams.
And the bottle comes rising to the surface
Back on the ship that is your life
Inside is a note, a secret you want to be hidden
Something you wished would be swallowed whole by the pressure
And one day you know the top will pop off letting me and all the others you forgot
Out to control you, to drive you towards dependency on us to survive
Driving away all the others that influence you
Because it is easier to sink in the bottom than to face the storms on the ship
The raging tides and crackling lightning
To find the other side of that storm and to find peace on calmer tides