Greetings, All:
Welcome to summer!
The Top Story for Cape Fear Voices was written by Nancy Bryans (Editor, Teen Scene) and me. We are contributing ideas with Gerald, Doug Ensley and Chris Stevenson to develop the Communication & Leadership Academy. Take a look at our story, “In A Perfect World.” We know our teens need a boost in so many areas to be able to compete for college admission and jobs, and we are hoping that the Academy fills the void.
If you are looking for something “artsy,” read Janet Steigler’s story, “The Italian Pastry Chef.” She blends passion and pastry into her story in a way that will make you smile.
Maryann Nunnally combines her own recent move with a distant memory, in her story, “Sneaking To Move.” All I can say is, never underestimate the power of women!
On the Teen Scene side, we celebrate Father’s Day, but from a different angle. Violet A., tells us what Father’s Day is like when you are a child growing up and your father has died. Read, “Reflections: Father’s Day for the Fatherless.”
Do you remember graduating from High School? In her story, “Memories of High School Graduation,” Olive P., explains how her graduating class is approaching a new chapter in their lives while fondly remembering their time together.
Max P., reported on “Flair and Bids,” a talent show and silent auction that did a great job of showcasing the talent our teens have.
We have poetry, we have stories from the military and Bill Cavanaugh’s story, “Beach Day Reckoning,” that reminds us all about the cycle of life.
Also, please consider signing up for our email list using the form below. You will be alerted to new stories and highlights every couple of weeks. Encourage your family, friends, neighbors and strangers on the street to subscribe, as well.
Enjoy this issue,
Jan Morgan-Swegle, Editor, Cape Fear Voices