Imagine growing up and living in paradise in California for your entire life. Imagine one night, suddenly you get awoken by police, telling you that you have to evacuate your home immediately and only have minutes to get out safely because dangerous fires are about to spread the area.
You can only quickly grab your family and a few important items; all the rest of your valuable possessions would be lost forever. Imagine you wake up the next day and seeing scenes that look like a horror movie. Your childhood home is burned to the ground, along with all valuable possessions and memories. This is now reality for thousands in the Los Angeles area.
Thousands now face the reality that they are homeless and either have to pick up and move and start a new life in a new town, city or state, or await for the fires to stop and cleanup to be completed to rebuild and restart your life in California.
For thousands who have lived in California their entire lives are heartbroken to see their homes and beloved city destroyed and are heartbroken to have to leave the only city and only home they have ever known.
They are also heartbroken to see their family members, friends and neighbors who are also homeless and dealing with loss and heartbreak. Now many people have to band together and help each other grieve and help each other rebuild their lives again.
We as civilians, we should consider donating money, non-perishable food, water and unwanted clothing to help these homeless people. We also need to pray for all these people, that they find a new home and find relief soon. We pray for the city of Los Angeles and the state of California, that it can rebuild and recover and get back to being one of the greatest cities in America.
For anyone dealing with grief and heartbreak, here is a great quote for you:
“Whatever happens, stay alive. Don’t die before you’re dead. Don’t lose yourself, don’t lose hope, don’t lose direction.
Stay alive, with yourself, with every cell of your body, with every fiber of your skin.
Stay alive, learn, study, think, read, build, invent, create, speak, write, dream, design.
Stay alive, stay alive inside you, stay alive also outside, fill yourself with colors of the world, fill yourself with peace, fill yourself with hope.
Stay alive with joy.
There is only one thing you should not waste in life, and that’s life itself.”
~Virginia Woolf
Never give up hope, always have faith and always believe you rise up and make it through any adversity.
Don’t worry, be happy and remember whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.