This article comes with a homework assignment right off the bat.
I want you to consider everything you do for everyone else in your life, and all the times you have gone above and beyond for others that matter most to you.
Do you give yourself the same consideration?
If your answer is no – trust me, you’re not alone. And if your answer is yes – read on, because you may just reconsider that answer before you finish this article. It’s really easy to get caught up in the sacrifices we make for those we love and care about – so much so that we fail to show love and care to ourselves. We work so hard at work, then we head home to work so hard some more before crawling into bed for a few hours of restless sleep knowing full well we will do it all over again tomorrow.
We think looking out for number one is a selfish way to live. We grow guilty that we even consider taking time for ourselves, because we are convinced that sacrificing our own health and well-being is the inevitable price we pay to take care of the people we care about the most.
This all may sound very familiar to you. It sure does to me. I was last in my own life, without any hope of being close to number one, for many years in my earlier adult life. Those that mattered most needed me, I told myself, and I needed to do everything in my power to be there for them at all times. Subconsciously, if that meant running myself into the ground, then so be it.
But self-care is essential, not selfish – because if the ultimate goal is to be at our best in life for those who count on us the most, we need to be at our best in our own life.
We can’t do that if we’re struggling with our health. When simply getting out of bed is a major challenge, and getting into it isn’t any easier because you often feel like you’ve been run over by a bus, that’s when it’s time to start thinking about our well-being for a change.
If you traveled by air in your lifetime, you have likely heard the instructions for operating masks that fall from above the seats in case the airplane depressurizes. Put your mask on first before placing a mask on someone else. Why? Because you can’t help anyone while unconscious.
Still, back on land, the vicious cycle continues for many of us. It took me the better part of two decades to get that valuable lesson through my head – and it was a life-changer.
Now, if I showed you the calendar on my phone, you would see times blocked off for workouts, healthy meals, walking our dogs, Tulip and Scarlett, alongside scheduled client calls and training sessions, and playing chauffeur for my youngest son, Zach, to and from school and the farm where he works. If it’s on my calendar, it’s set in stone because it’s important to me.
It takes being committed, being intentional and being consistent to break the chains of the guilt that binds us. Take time for yourself. You’re important too – and when you’re truly at your best for the people you love, they will thank you for it.
If you would like to learn more about making self-care a priority in your life, or if you would like to learn more about me and Fernandes Fit, call 814.504.7774, send an email to [email protected], or head to for more information.