Cumulus clouds sail in the sky
Like ships on the ocean blue,
Around and around like birds in the sky.
Where is the port they sail to?
Like a magic carpet, they sail away
and drift to distant lands,
Over castles in Spain, France in Spring;
They sail, but never land.
I would like to be as free as cumulus clouds
And sail over the ocean blue,
Over rivers and vales, mountains and dales,
Searching for something new.
Veterans Voices Writing Project (VVWP) was established as Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project in 1946 by Elizabeth Fontaine with the support of the Chicago North Shore chapter of Theta Sigma Phi (now The Association for Women in Communications) to address the physical and recreational needs of veterans returning from World War. II In 1952, journalists Margaret Sally Keach and Gladys Feld Helzberg, with assistance from the Greater Kansas City chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, established Veterans’ Voices to provide a national outlet for writing produced by the projects participants. The three founders believed that writing could do everything from entertaining bedfast veterans to helping others conquer mental health issues. For more info on VVWP contact