Representatives of VFW Post 12196 donated nine pairs of new military shoes and boots to the veteran residents of the Good Shepherd Sergeant Ashley Center. The donated footwear is expected to be a useful contribution to the formerly homeless veterans seeking employment opportunities.

VFW members Chris Pilloton, John Marone, and Gerald Decker of Leland Post 12196 met with Brian Mansfield, Director of the Sgt. Ashley Center in Wilmington (pictured here) on Tuesday, April 30, to drop off the donation and discuss other opportunities to assist the residents of the Center.
Amongst other activities and donations discussed, a Memorial Day weekend BBQ for Post members and residents has been scheduled and will be held at the Center.
VFW Post 12196, based in Leland, was chartered in 2020 with the mission to foster camaraderie among US veterans of overseas conflicts, advocate on behalf of all veterans, ensure that veterans are respected for their service and recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is a nonprofit veteran’s service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard, and reserve forces. Further information is available on our website: Good Shepherd has provided services to the homeless since 1983 and is now the largest provider of homeless services in the Tri-County region (New Hanover, Brunswick, and Pender Counties).
In addition to the Sgt. Ashley Center provides 16 units of bridge housing and 8 units of permanent supportive housing, primarily to veterans. Good Shepherd also operates two other Centers: a night shelter, which accommodates up to 118 homeless men, women, and families with children, along with a day shelter
that serves more than 900 individuals, and the Lakeside Reserve, which provides 40 units of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless adults with a disability, including seniors and veterans. The Good Shepherd Center also operates the Second Helping Program, which re-distributes an estimated 500 tons of salvaged food to area programs for the low-income, children, and the elderly and to their Soup Kitchen, which serves up to 350 meals daily to the hungry.
More information about the Good Shepherd Center can be found on their website: or by
calling (910)763-4424.