Hello VCAP Community!
We hope you are doing well. We look forward to resuming in-person classes this Tuesday, January 28th at Davis Center at Maides Park. If you haven’t had the opportunity to join us for writing or visual arts, please do. Weekly attendance is not mandatory. You can join us whenever it is convenient for you, free of charge. Registration is not required, but it is appreciated so our teaching artists can adequately prepare.
When you create regularly, you are actively building practices or routines that allow you to dedicate time to relax, recharge, and disengage from the pressures of everyday life.
There is still space available in our Online Veteran Writing Group with Stan Lake which meets Thursday evenings via Zoom 6:30 pm-8:00 pm EST. If you’re interested in reading Stan’s work please check out his weekly newsletter Dissonance Personified. You can learn more and subscribe by clicking on the link https://stanlake.substack.com/about?utm_source=subscribe_email&utm_content=learn_more
The first session of our stained glass workshop with Jason Noble was fun and educational! Enrollment for this workshop is closed but we will announce the next opportunity soon.
Stay tuned because we have so many exciting announcements coming soon including our Community Dinner & Karaoke night with Leme Nolan, more culinary classes with Chef McCoy, a Collage workshop with Marcus Dawson, our first Community Mural paint dates: all are welcome, and more!
VCAP Class Registration: