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Cape Fear Voices and The Teen Scene is Named 2024 Non-Profit of the Year by the North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce

Cape Fear Voices/The Teen Scene

Cape Fear Voices / The Teen Scene named 2024 Non-Profit of the Year by North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce

Cape Fear Voices/The Teen Scene

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For people of all ages and backgrounds, 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic have been perhaps one of the most challenging, stressful, and unique years and experiences in their lifetime. Many are finding it hard to find inspiration, live inspired, and be inspiring. For themselves and for others.

If 2021 is anything like other years before it, it will begin with a resolution for many. You may have already started thinking about your own new year’s resolution. Perhaps it’s learning something new, exercising more, losing weight, quitting smoking, or some other meaningful yet difficult personal challenge.

Many of you will get off to a good start. Some will even make it past the first few days. A few will make it longer. For most, getting started is not the problem. Continuing and keeping at it is the challenge. When I talk to people about this, I find that the reason for this is not a lack of desire but rather a lack of positive habits. Habits that strengthen the mind. Habits that inspire better thinking, thus better living. Because where the mind goes, the body follows.

After many years of struggling with this in my own life, and with a desire of wanting things to change (in a good way), I decided that if things were going to change, I had to change. So I began to incorporate new habits into my life. Because first, we make our habits, then our habits make us. I continue this practice today. Every day. Even on days when you would think I could feel otherwise.

Do you want to find more inspiration, live more inspired, and be more inspiring, even on days when you may feel otherwise? If you answered yes, start learning and living new positive habits: habits that will benefit you and others around you.

Are you ready for a challenge?

Challenge # 1: Every day for thirty days, spend time answering the question, “What am I grateful for today?” Spend thoughtful time considering all that is good in your life, and be grateful for all you have. Spend less time anxious, stressed, or worried about what you don’t have, what you wished you had, and things that are going on around you that are outside of your control. Be grateful. Practice gratitude. Find inspiration.

Challenge # 2: Every day for the next thirty days, spend time answering the question, “What would make today great?” No guilt. No stress, No worries. Nothing is too big or too small. Perhaps it’s a project you’ve been meaning to work on, or cooking a dish you’ve always wanted to prepare, calling someone that you haven’t talked with in a while, or checking something off your bucket list. Answer this question, and then get busy working on your answers. Remember: You don’t have a great day – you make it a great day. Make your days great. Live inspired.

Challenge # 3: Every day for the next thirty days, think of an inspiring affirmation statement that can change your life (in a good way). Examples of affirmation statements are “This too shall pass,” “Life is what you make it,” “Expect less, accept more.” Read the affirmation statement. Absorb it. Breathe it in. Swirl it around your mind. Consider things you can take from the statement that will improve your life, as well as the lives of others around you. Change your life. Change other’s lives. Be inspiring.

Try my challenge. Ninety days of thinking better. Ninety days of inspiration. Finding inspiration, living inspired, and being inspiring.
You, and others around you, will be better off for it.

Chuck Schwartz is the author of “Chuck’s Lemonade, A Recipe for: Inspired Thinking and Living, Finding Gifts When Life Gives You Lemons, and Turning Your Lemons into Lemonade!” and the Chuck’s Lemonade Collection of inspirational books, journal challenges, presentations, and more to help you think better so you can live better. Visit to and subscribe to receive your daily dose of Chuck’s Lemonade.


The picture to the left is Chuck Schwartz and Renee Adamowicz Schwartz. April 17, 2020 – one of the days we would have been at the Heritage Golf Tournament. Here on Hilton Head Island, golfers play for the plaid jacket. It is a big event on the Island that brings in a lot of money to many businesses and charities. This year it was delayed and canceled to the public, but we celebrated in style on our own!






TITLE PICTURE for article: 
This picture taken in a friend’s back yard (Joan and Sam Piccione) on May 24, 2020, in their home in Hilton Head Plantation. We have all been staying home and no one had been out in months. It was our dear friend’s birthday (Joan – with the hat). Her husband wanted to surprise her and have a SAFE, SOCIAL DISTANCING celebration for her. So, we celebrated the day after her birthday. It was a great surprise and a joy for all since none of us had been out in so long. It was great to finally be able to see and spend time with great friends and celebrate – a happy moment for all. Here we are depicted at theparty doing our part to social distance?       ALL SAFE!

Front L-R: TeresaMcCarty, JoanPiccione, KathyBull Keller, (SamPiccione not shown). Rear L-R: ChuckSchwartz, ReneeAdamowiczSchwartz, Joel Adamowicz.


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