Reading, Writing and Voices…

Dan Neizmik, Contributing Writer

I guess I’m just another “Voices lover,”
I read it every month, from cover to cover.
The talented writers and the stories that they tell,
Capture our imagination and they do it so well.

Their experiences, travels, and lessons they have learned,
Relationships, events, and the accolades they have earned,
Keep us anxiously awaiting for what they’ll share next,
Edition after edition they always give their best.

Tomorrow’s Voices Today

And how about those amazingly talented teens,
We watch their skills grow, as we read the Teen Scene,
Their stories, their thoughts, and everything they write,
Show us why they are the “Voices” most radiant light!

Gerald Decker created “Voices” a long time ago,
His hard work has paid off as it continues to grow,
Opportunity for young teens to develop their writing skills,
Building character through journalism as their goals are fulfilled.

With every edition, Jan and her staff do so much,
Tweaking and tuning with their own special touch,
And all our favorite writers and many new ones too,
Between every line, their persona shines through.

Sometimes my ideas flow, sometimes I hit a wall,
Sometimes I write what I know, about nothing at all,
And no matter if they read it, or don’t even bother,
I’ll always be just anotherVoices lover”!