Mrs. Wurch is a new and exciting school guidance counselor at the pristine Brunswick County Early College High School. She has already been welcomed with open arms! However, there is much to know about her since many students barely know anything about her besides the fact that she’s a guidance counselor.
So a student took the liberty of interviewing her to find out more about Mrs. Wurch! Mrs. Wurch chose Brunswick County Early College High School because she has worked at other early colleges and she really enjoys the way they benefit the students and build them up for success. She chose this one because she really likes the setup and how everything works in favor of the student and is really only there for the student to succeed.
Mrs. Wurch says that she is happy with Brunswick County Early College High School because everyone is really welcoming and if she doesn’t know or can’t answer something, everyone is willing to help out and work with her to figure it out.
Mrs. Wurch is a counselor, as stated before, and she has a reason for that. She says that being a counselor really fits with her personality and that she loves helping others. Mrs. Wurch is a very kind soul and is there to help with any needs a student might need without judgment. Mrs. Wurch stated in an interview, “We are all created different and together, it all works.” This statement lets people know that she is willing to help anybody with almost anything.
Mrs. Wurch believes that BCECHS sticks out above most schools due to the collaborative learning environment and the mutual goals between the staff. Mrs. Wurch also stated about Brunswick County Early College High School that “ we are unique in the opportunities we can provide.”
Mrs. Wurch is always open to anyone who stops by. However, she does have a daily work ethic. Her schedule is created by herself every day. It usually consists of turning on her music and reading through her emails and then she makes her schedule and makes sure it’s flexible so if any student needs anything, they can always stop by. She is always learning things about herself and about BCECHS.
Mrs. Wurch really likes her job. However, she does have difficult aspects of her job as well. Mrs. Wurch is a very empathetic person and she says it can be hard to see students who go through things and she can only help so much.
Mrs. Wurch also has a personal life like most people. She has 3 sons (22, 20,17) she also has kids, which she likes to call bonus kids (12, 10). She also has animals. She has a Newfie poo (Riley) and a mini bernedoodle (Mike). Her favorite color is purple and she has been a school counselor since 2011. She graduated from ECU. She doesn’t have any allergies and she really enjoys her job.
Other students and staff are really excited to see what she does and what she can do for the school. Mia Cicatello (senior) stated, “She seemed really nice and understanding and honestly, I look forward to seeing how scheduling goes with her.” Another student named Jordan (freshman) also stated, “She seems cool.” This proves that the students are really excited to see what she can do for them and the school. The staff has welcomed her and made her feel a part of the team.